Tuesday, October 16, 2001

Mmm...Materialism Monday...

Up early & then lazed around waiting for the rest of the family to rise. After the mandatory committee meeting re 'what we're going to do today', three of us escaped for a couple of hours to Chadstone, supposedly one of the biggest malls in the southern hemisphere.

I almost went mad in:
- Borders: the biggest bookshop I've ever seen. They've got music, magazines, a cafe & books on almost every topic. Sorta like a uni bookshop mixed with a chain bookshop, but better organised. No one comes up to 'help' you & you can pick up a book, take it to the cafe & read it if you're undecided.
- Mambo: more new cool t's & hats I've got my eye on.
- Blindside: skate shop. I want one of everything.

Home at lunch, then out to a beach at Brighton for a picnic all afternoon.

Dinner at Uncle F & Auntie M's (a fantastic chicken dish); good food, good wine, good conversation, & laughing 'till we cried (wouldn't be a night with Uncle F without it).

Posted by Dean @ 10/16/2001 08:39:00 am

...Survey says...


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