Monday, February 11, 2002

Some of my mates have written me a song:

I will survive - Gloria Gaynor (Dean's Robber Remix)

At first I was afraid,
I was petrified.
Kept thinkin' how I should've had my skateboard by my side
But then I'd spent so many nights,
Practicing ollies on the floor.
And I was crap, but it would have made me look hard-core.

So as the train,
Picked up its pace
I just sat down,
and found you here with that angry look upon your face.
I could have whacked you in the crotch
I could have got you with my knee
If I'd known for just one second you were gonna be robbin' meeeeeee

So now you've gone, gone out the door
My hand is bleeding,
and there is blood all over the floor
I was just lucky that there was a train conductor guy
He caught me as I stumbled then I just started to cry

Oh no, not I.
I will survive.
As long as I know how to skate I know I'll stay alive;
I don't need my hand to skate,
I don't need my hand to rave I'll survive, I will survive. Hey hey.

It took all the strength I had
to get me through the shock
Kept trying hard not lose it talkin' to the cops
And I spent one lonely night
In the Sydney Hospital.
I used to cry
But now the drugs are makin me high

And now you see, somebody new
Well not the whole person really, but the finger's pretty new
They've reattached it to my hand
With some stiches and some glue
And it's working well enough to for me to flip the bird to you

Oh no, not I.
I will survive.
As long as I know how to skate I know I'll stay alive;
I don't need my hand to skate,
I don't need my hand to rave?I'll survive, I will survive. Hey hey (Hey, Hey HEY!! Come back here with my backpack!!!).

Posted by Dean @ 2/11/2002 06:41:00 pm

...Survey says...


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