Tuesday, February 05, 2002
Thankyou to everyone for all of your messages of support, visits and care packages. I am so grateful; it's such a good example of the inherent goodness of people.
I was feeling very angry on Saturday, but you've all showed me that not everybody are scumbags, and for that I thank you.
The GP
Went down to my local GP this morning to see how my treatment would continue.
We had a chat about what happened, the importance of counselling, continuing the immunisation shots and the implications of blood tests. Despite the astronomically low chances of having caught anything, the Doc said I have to consider the worst case scenarios and consider what I'd do. Needless to say those thoughts are upsetting.
I got a referral and headed across the street to the pathology lab, got blood taken for testing & had a chat to the paramedic who has to deal with the in-treatment junkies from Fraser Court; she's quite level-headed about risks I've got to say.
So I have to go back to the GP on Friday for wound redressing (anyone got an instant or digital camera so I can get pics?), then Tuesday to get the stitches out, then in another month for more immunisation shots, then another three for follow-up blood tests. After that I'll consider all of this over & plan to throw a party.
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