Tuesday, February 19, 2002

Tonight sees Dave's farewell dinner and a visit from my mate Ben (whom I
tried to visit two weeks ago in Sydney).

I still haven't got a new housemate; everyone I've interviewed hasn't been
suitable or won't sign a long lease or thinks the room is too small. The
one person I'm waiting on a fax from still hasn't sent it!

The hand is regaining flexibility and grip, tho slowly and painfully. I
still haven't heard back from the Victims Services people re counselling

So, looking back...


Interview Day

#1: M: Nice, but very uptight - when she found out I haven't travelled much
she actually said "hmm, pity...".
#2: D: Large, sweaty and smelly - I didn't want to have to clean up after
#3: L: 18, wants to move out of home - I don't want to be there to teach her
how to grow up or how to house train her.

In between interviews, Lou, Tyson & I talked over our ideas for Jaffle
shops. I was going to have "Jaffles Ahoy", Tyson "Jaffles Jaffles
and Lou "Jafflorama". We had ideas for mascots, menus,
promo's & everything. Imagine the look on our faces when we found out last
night that in Perth there really is a place called "Jester's
! Jill is going to send us stuff from there when she goes back
to Perth - joy!

Tyson & I spent the afternoon at Filthys. We'd intended to go down to Woden
to buy some domestic things (Dave took the kettle, the phone and the shower
shampoo holder thingy), but we missed the bus by 2 minutes, so turned around
with the intention of only staying an hour. However, when we got to the pub
& continued our plans for world Jaffle domination, we started talking to the
girl behind the bar who's into girls but is going into self-imposed celibacy
for a month (it's amazing what people will tell you if you just ask them).

After about four hours at the pub, the group all reconvened at Lou's &
headed into Carnivale. We were having a good time until the storm hit. We
then travelled around from King O'Malleys to Mombassa, to Aree Bar, to In
Blue, and then of course, back to Filthys. I went home just before
midnight, but the others partied on kareoke-style at Graphix until dawn.


N came to look at the room in the morning, but muttered a lot & left saying
"I'll think about it" which really means "I can't say no to your face". She
called Monday morning.

Had breakfast with Ms S at home, and then a second breakfast with Tyson,
Olivia, Lou, Ms S, Kat & Chris. By breakfast, I mean breakfast food at

The afternoon was spent in front of the box with the gang watching The
Ladies Man
, Crimson Rivers and 100 Girls. We only got
part way through 100 Girls and had to turn it off - so crappy. The
Ladies Man
was so funny - we were crying most of the time (ah, the song
& dance number...) and Crimson Rivers was visually nice if somewhat

I should've been at Dave's farewell BBQ, but I felt crook & didn't want to
eat another thing after breakfast. We did all go down to Filthys for a
while tho.

The evening was spent at Lou's eating curry and making up a radio play.
It's called "The Golden Fleece"; I'll post episode scripts here in
good time.


So busy at work, was glad to come home & interview people. Had to do it
quickly as TJ was meant to be coming around for dinner. Then Lou came up,
then her friend Jill & we ended up going down to Lou's place for leftover
curry - joy! (Lou is the best curry cook)

Interviewed two people: Peter who works at an accounting firm and Erica the
opera singer.

Erica seemed nice. She showed up with a male friend, they looked at the
room and she seemed very keen, but had to race off someplac, so I gave her
my card and the form and asked her to fax it to me today - still haven't got
it (it's 3pm Tuesday). She asked if it would be a problem if she practiced
her singing once or twice a week - considering the other people I've met I
think that'd be nice. If only she'd fax the damn form...

Peter didn't do himself any favours when he kept calling me Ben. He seemed
like a nice guy until I found out he was living with his aunt, and before
that at college, so would need to be housetrained. He also didn't want to
sign a lease as he wanted to "be free to pursue opportunities in Sydney".
Pity, he was the most normal of all of them thus far.

After Peter left TJ and I went down to Lou's for some dinner, then we all
went up to Filthys. I stayed till midnight cos we were having fun, even tho
I'm not drinking, which explains why I'm so damn tired today.

Posted by Dean @ 2/19/2002 07:29:00 pm

...Survey says...


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