Sunday, February 20, 2005

Weblog Soundtracks

[/] Reading Darp: Good
Reading about Darp's anti-nazi campaign: Better
Reading the latest developments in Darp's anti-nazi campaign with Holst's Mars (The Bringer of War) brooding menacingly in the background: Oh yeah. Try it sometime. (A one minute long, 472kb mp3 sample is available here. The whole piece runs for about seven minutes.)

OK, so the piece wasn't strictly Holst's Mars, but Mars Bars, according to Classic FM's schedule. Mars Bars is Brisbane-based ensemble Topology's "...adaptation that reveals the surprise connection between TV soaps and Gustav ‘The Planets’ Holst" according to Greg Hooper's review.

Regardless, it's got me wondering about music and other weblogs again. Do certain weblogs trigger music while you read them? If so, what & where? Did you hear the theme from The West Wing in your head while 'zilla was in Washington? How about The Whitlams' You Sound Like Louis Burdett with Graham's adventures?

If you run a site, what theme would you choose?

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Posted by Dean @ 2/20/2005 05:41:00 pm

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That soundtrack REALLY fits. Awesome stuff!

Posted by Blogger Darp @ Sunday, February 20, 2005 6:32:00 pm #

for the current MZGTT era, can I suggest Blur's Parklife, or for something more classic, Henry Mancini's Baby Elephant Walk :-)

Posted by Blogger c @ Monday, February 21, 2005 4:55:00 am #
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