Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Friday Night 80s Trivia Fun

[] In order to raise money to produce their short film The Milkman, AfterParty Productions put on a 1980s trivia night at the Braddon Bowls club on Friday night.

The team I was in - The Coreys - won the night through a combination of heads chock-full of trivial factoids and the fact that T-bone and Capt Randy Roger were willing to put their bodies on the line in the physical challenges (thus doubling the points won that round). Zoe had an excellent view of the challenges from where her team was sitting and her full report is here:

If you do this, you will not win the 80's trivia competition. Dean will win because one of his team jumped on a table and dropped his pants during the air guitar physical challenge. They doubled their points again after the dirty dancing physical challenge, won by two men pashing while holding jugs of beer. Dean will wave goodbye from outside. He will be looking in the window laughing his guts out because you are singing karaoke. You will be singing "Don't go breaking my heart". You will be Elton John. The crowd will go wild, but it will all be downhill from there.

We won a collection of 80s memorabilia; a rubik's cube, jeans, LPs, singles, a KISS poster, etc, etc. My cut of the booty was a couple of cassette tapes (remember them?); one, the soundtrack to Fame (the movie) and the other, Australian Idol/X Factor talking head Mark Holden's Encounter (which strictly speaking isn't 80s as it came out in 1977).

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Posted by Dean @ 4/05/2005 03:19:00 pm

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I think better not to win, if it was Mark Holden.

And our team was the "Hasslehoffs".

Posted by Blogger Zoe @ Tuesday, April 05, 2005 8:54:00 pm #

Some pictures of the night are up here.

Posted by Blogger Dean @ Wednesday, April 27, 2005 8:29:00 pm #
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