Friday, February 08, 2002

Helen Razer is talking to Julie McCrossin on Life Matters at the moment on the topic of weblogs and 'blogging. Follow the link tomorrow (maybe even later today - I don't know their update schedule) & there should be a transcript.

Red Right Hand Update

Thursday was a not-so-good day; the hand was hurting like crazy and I was pretty upset too. I spent the day trying to clean up the place a bit so I could show any interested people the room on Saturday. I also watched Magnolia.

I once said to someone "if you want to feel better about yourself, go rent a Woody Allen movie". Magnolia is another movie that is sure to make almost anyone feel better about their own lives.

Running at just over three hours, it's a highly emotional film about the events and the coincidences that link the lives of the group it features. As with weblogs, it was interesting to watch the same events being experienced differently, but in the end it was incredibly depressing. I just ended up feeling sorry for all of them, and very angry at some of them. If you want a film to make you feel something, and more likely than not something unpleasant, block out a rainy afternoon on a weekend in your diary and give this one a go.

On the technical side, it looked really good, and the ensemble cast was good, but the sound design had me turning on the subtitles to follow the dialogue over the music (I knew I was in for soemthing interesting when the film opened with 'One is the lonliest number').

I also went to the shops to put a film in for development (really must get a scanner so I can share my images - I take a good photo you know), and picked up a package at the Post Office (aren't those little red slips always exciting - what will I get, what will I get...); a couple of mates had sent me some CD's to keep me entertained - thanks guys, Futurama is funny, but on painkillers it's bloody hilarious!

In the evening, my mate Adam came around & we went down to Woden & saw Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. If you liked the other works of Kevin Smith (Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy and Dogma), you have to see this one, but wait for video. It's two hours of in-jokes, which I liked, but realise you won't if you haven't seen the other films. Oh yeah, and if you do see it, stay until the credits are over for something extra.

Posted by Dean @ 2/08/2002 10:54:00 am

...Survey says...


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