Monday, January 07, 2002

Back to work today. It was pretty light on; I spent the morning going through the inbox and catching up with the team. We spent about half an hour talking LOTR and HP, as they'd all gotten the books & seen the movies over the break.

At lunchtime we shot out to Dickson to take care of the rent & found out that the agents think we're one week short on rent! I thought the money I'd sent down from Qld at the start of the holidays had gone missing, but we've done some document checking & it turns out that the agents haven't inputed one weeks payment from July! We've got a receipt so that should sort itself out tomorrow - they were accusing us of not paying! Of course none of this would've happened if they had electronic banking options like every other (non-luddite) real estate agency, but no, they only accept cash or cheque. I'd be looking elsewhere if these clowns were managing my rental property.


Bummed around the house cleaning up my room & getting ready for another work year.

Met up with some of the gang for a few "final day at work" drinks for a friend then up to the Kingo for a big steak dinner.

Canberra (and some of NSW) got some relief last night from the dry bushfire conditions with a pretty awesome storm; haven't heard any damage / personal injury reports yet.

Posted by Dean @ 1/07/2002 06:43:00 pm

...Survey says...


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