Tuesday, January 01, 2002

[Listening to: ABC Radio National: The Big Idea: Talking Pictures, Program 2, The Murky Pool of Terror]

Holidays - Day 14

Happy new year!

Thanks for all of the sms messages; must've been a heavy network load last night, I got 'em all at 3am.

NYE 01/02: I opted for low-key. Around 8pm a trio gathered at a mates place. We hung out, got Thai food & beer and sat around watching movies & tv, talking about computer games, movies and other people & all the things you talk about when you're hanging out with old mates. Saw a couple of yet-to-be-aired-locally South Park episodes that were absolutely shocking. Funny, but shocking.

Posted by Dean @ 1/01/2002 02:40:00 pm

...Survey says...


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