Thursday, March 14, 2002

Just back from the pub. We spent the evening writing up t-shirt slogans for St Pats Day.. The girls want to get "Filthy Bitch" on the front, and "Get out of my pub" on the back, and being the Irish day they'll have to be green. I won't mention some of the other things we came up with.

Since I'd stopped drinking just over a month ago, my alcohol tolerance has dropped, so my one pint tonight has made me very very woozy.

Good news is that my ambulance bill came today and was only $154, much less than I'd expected thank [insert deity here].

Other good news is that Ms A has found a new place with her man and has gone & gotten herself a car too!

Posted by Dean @ 3/14/2002 10:08:00 pm

...Survey says...


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