Friday, August 09, 2002

The Look of Love

I must've jinxed myself by writing about the horoscope or something. Fortune is indeed a fickle woman.


After a bunch of increasingly flirtatious correspondence flying back & forth around the network, I thought I'd met someone quite nice at the pub last Friday. I thought things were all good when "bad behaviour" was mentioned. Alas, it all came undone with the question "you were the guy in the hustler tshirt right?". I replied with "I think I was in jeans and a jumper that night, but whatever I was in, I'm sure my butt looked great" (T-bone was in the hustler tshirt).

I spent the rest of the afternoon feeling like shit. It's one thing to get rejected by being yourself, but a whole other level of rejection when they think you're someone else entirely.

After work

I got to the bank to get cash out for the dude who's coming to fix my fridge. The ATM spits out $50s, but I need some $20s, and while I'm waiting at the tellar Liv calls and says that her colleague has tickets to The Comedy of Errors that she can't use.

Its just occured to me that the universe has a weird sense of humour, but I guess it's apt that I'm going to see a play about mistaken identity after a day like today.

Then after the play we're going to the pub & I'm going to cut loose and get shitfaced.

Posted by Dean @ 8/09/2002 06:00:00 pm

...Survey says...


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