Sunday, September 26, 2004

Weekend Update 25/26 Sep 04

[Life] With spring having finally arrived in the national capital it was time to get outside & fight the moon tan, but not before feeding the CD addiction in Civic...

Friday Night

CD shopping at Revolution CD, The Music Shop & JB's, then a quick social glass of red at Babar. The nice girl at JB's closed the deal on the Star Wars DVD box with the 10%-off coupon in a current catalogue at the front of the store. Even went & got the catalogue & tore the coupon out for me. I was going to buy it eventually, why wait? In any case got it home, put Empire Strikes Back on, lay down on the couch & fell asleep halfway through. As good as it looked & sounded, it wasn't enough to fight off the sleep that I really really needed.

The CDs? John Williams' score for Harry Potter 3 and the soundtrack for De-Lovely via The Music Shop, Metallica's S&M via Revolution CD, and Metallica's Metallica (the Black Album), and Ben Harper's Live From Mars (with the Innocent Criminals) and There Will Be A Light (with The Blind Boys of Alabama) via JB's.


The seasonal produce market tour that some cooking class students were meant to be going on with the chef from class had to be postponed, so I was free to go & cheer on the Lions. Well it was more of a case of getting the numbers up on the Lions side more than it was of any interest I have in AFL.

An AFL grand final between South Australia and Queensland; Victorians must have been freaking out. Some of the gang gathered in Braddon; crow-eaters on one side of the couch, cane toads on the other. There was plenty of trash talking crossing the room, but even more directed at the TV, specifically on the pre-game entertainment (if you could call it that).

I reckon that because there were no Victorian teams in the game, Melbourne decided to have a go at the rest of the country by putting on the most cringe-worthy performers. A bunch of guys in footy uniforms who looked like they'd come straight from the local cabaret club, Kath & Kim and Guy Sebastian singing the national anthem and Waltzing Matilda? WTF?

So Port Adelaide got up and we continued festivities well into the morning. Backgammon, poker, The New Guy and Love Actually kept us awake while beer, bundy, whiskey, sausage rolls and party pies kept us fueled until 3am.


My bedroom curtains are paper-thin and during spring & summer the sun wakes me around 6-ish. This is no good after only two hours sleep. Hangover is progressing good & proper. Somehow manage to fall asleep for a few more hours, wake & surf between Insiders and Sunday, then drift off for a little bit longer.

Crawled out to the couch & started watching some of the extras in the Star Wars box. Later stumbled up the road for yum cha with TJ & Eliza. That did the recovery job well enough that I could grab my rugby ball & walk down to Reconciliation Place for some sunday arvo sports. Reconfirmed that I'm a better bowler than batsman, although I reckon that my right shoulder is going to kill tomorrow.


Posted by Dean @ 9/26/2004 09:34:00 pm

...Survey says...


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