Monday, October 04, 2004

The Long Weekend Update 2-4 Oct 04

[Life] Another long weekend in the capital with celluloid and a few too many drinks...


[Please excuse me if this derails towards the end, I'm pretty sure I'm drunk right now]

Friday Night

After a big week, all I wanted was some quality couch time. With most of the gang having flown down to Adelaide for a wedding, the chances of an sms summons to the pub were thankfully slim. Joss rented Secret Window and The Cooler & while disturbing, they were worth watching.


Negotiated my way through the nerd markets & picked up a new Seagate 160gb hard drive to continue ripping my CD collection to MP3. I'd gotten through maybe a fifth of my current collection and the My Music folder had hit 20gb. With all the other stuff on the system the free space was getting low and a dedicated music drive was the solution.

Kombiman had an issue with his laptop; he'd stopped the XP SP2 update part way through and had gotten caught in start-up limbo. Every time he restarted it would ask him to restart in safe mode, over & over & over again. Luckily he had all of the software that came with the machine with him, so after a few attempts at fiddling with the bios, we just stuck the XP cd in, reverted back to SP1 then updated to SP2. With beer, snacks and the Star Wars SE2 DVDs it was a pretty relaxed way to kill an afternoon.

The evening was meant to be low key. Paul, a mate from Brisbane who'd moved to Canberra, was not long back from a work trip to China and a holiday somewhere on the coast & came around to catch up. We decided to go & see AVP & hit the pub afterwards. Kombiman & Capt Randy Roger were at the Kingo, so we headed there and ended up playing pool until about 2.30. The blue light disco part of the Kingo isn't one of my usual haunts, so I don't know if being packed out was normal for it or not. The 'Ursies on Tour' (evidently an ANU college group on a pub crawl) kept the punters around as a big group of young girls will; there was an air of disappointment after they'd moved on. Pool was a hit & miss affair with more misses than hits, which resulted in the obligatory pants-down run around the table. On the way home we passed through B Bar and Filthy's looking for familiar faces & only finding hot dogs and a kid from the Kingo who looked just like Warren in Empire Records.


Continued reading William Gibson's Pattern Recognition, wrote up and posted this piece on AVP and fiddled with the movie blog's template.


With Dad coming to visit in a fortnight and next weekend taken up with election-related stuff and a likely hangover Sunday I tried to get as much cleaning done as I could. Into Civic quickly for a present, then in the evening Matthew's surprise birthday dinner at Chairman & Yip.

If you've never been to Chairman & Yip, get on the phone now & make a booking. When you get there, make sure you've got plenty of wine and order the 2nd dinner banquet (which requires a minimum of 4 people I think), then get dessert wine and the chocolate & orange pyramid of joy (it's not called that of course, FYI it's the first dessert on the dessert menu at the moment). I don't think I'm doing it an injustice by quoting Phil who said it looked like a When Harry Met Sally moment as far as food goes.

OK, need to collapse now. Have to say though, if tonight's my last night on earth I think I can go happily*.

* - Got a strange video at work last week & people have been mentioning The Ring and the whole 7 days to live thing. I'm ok though I think; never got the phone call.


Posted by Dean @ 10/04/2004 11:36:00 pm

...Survey says...


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