Tuesday, October 19, 2004

The Weekend Update

[Life] Parental visits, Canberra sights and victory parties...


Friday Night

With most of the house-cleaning taken care of mid-week, the Friday night tweak wasn't too much of a hassle. Don't remember what I did after that; probably TV or the pub.


Met Dad at the airport just before lunch, picked up the rental car & showed the old man a few capital sights (from Telstra Tower) before voting and lunch at Tilley's. Being an old muso, Dad really liked Tilley's and has a bunch of performances picked out that I have to go to. After that it was off to Parliament House for a bit.

After dinner, we hit the National Press Club for the post-election party. So much more fun than last week's party. Open bar, victory speeches, smiles. Andew Barr even remembered this. When the DJ wound up, it was back to Miss K & the Pawnstar's pad til 3am.


My couch is great for napping on, but really no good for a full night's sleep. Sunday sightseeing included the Old Bus Depot Markets and Tang Dynasty Yum Cha before hitting the National Gallery so that Dad could see Pollock's Blue Poles ("I paid for it!" being his justification, not that you'd need one) and many many landscape pieces. Raced home when Dad thought his flight home was at 4 rather than the real flight time of 6.50. Minor panic calmed, we headed into Civic so I could show Dad one of my favourite Canberra places - Revolution CD - and more to eat at Gus'.

Miss K & the Pawnstar were good enough to give me a ride back from the airport, after which we crashed the house of Bone & Cheese for a few drinks. They Passiona, I three scotches. Part coping mechanism, part Awards Show Drinking Game for the ARIAs.


Could only deal with a few hours in the office, then went for a regular check-up and into Civic to see Shaun of the Dead. See it, it's funny.


Posted by Dean @ 10/19/2004 02:46:00 pm

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Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ Friday, October 29, 2004 1:08:00 pm #

Meh... Comment spam.

Posted by Blogger Dean @ Friday, October 29, 2004 4:47:00 pm #
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