Sunday, November 28, 2004

Purchase in Haste, Repent at Leisure - The Hunt for a Digital Camera

[Tech] I'm looking for a digital camera. After only a few days of seriously looking around I've learnt that there are so bloody many on the market & I need help.

I'm getting it for social snaps at upcoming weddings etc, so I'm looking more for something that's small (slip in a pocket small) and fast (to start up and between shots) than I'm looking at megapixels or optical zoom; so far the Ricoh R1 has been recommended.

I would've also liked the option of some degree of manual control (changing ISO speeds etc), but that doesn't seem to be available in the compact models; one of the guys at Fletchers pointed me towards the Casio P600 and P700 models that can go from full auto to full manual, but they're twice what I'm prepared to pay at the moment. Looks like getting into photography at that level will have to wait.

I'll either make a compromise - something like the Canon PS A85 - or end up getting a less featured compact model now and something more customisable in the new year.

Any advice for/against makes, models & stores would be appreciated. Also, any advice on the pros & cons of the different sorts of storage cards & battery types would be appreciated too.


Posted by Dean @ 11/28/2004 10:10:00 pm

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Hi Dean,

I bought a Canon Powershot S400. My co-worker bought the Canon G4 at the same time(?). I went for compact - he went for functionality. Both produced excellent photos (and I haven't bothered learning all the functions on mine) - but I knew he went for changing shutter speeds etc (I think). I have successfully used the photostich with my camera and it works like a dream. The Canon software is good, though the photo viewer is very pedantic, some people get turned off by its setup - I don't mind it. Only problem with my little S400 - is the time to turn on and get going. Takes about 2 seconds to be on and snapping. With less than a second between snaps. Hope it helps?

James (in Budapest)

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ Monday, November 29, 2004 6:20:00 am #

That's exactly the sort of advice I'm after. Cheers mate.

BTW - I showed your postcard from Latvia to a couple of people - they thought it was very cool too.

Posted by Blogger Dean @ Tuesday, November 30, 2004 7:27:00 pm #

Hi Dean,

Just popped in via Cynan's blog. Seb and I have just returned from 7 weeks overseas using our new Canon Powershot A75. We had a lot of fun with it, and have some great pics. Seb has sucessfully played with the photostitch and movie options too. Didn't think the lag was too bad, and the 3.2 mgpixels gives us good enough resolution for a shot filling our 17 inch monitor. Has 3x zoom and upto 10x optical zoom. Would recommend it, though it is on the bigger side of the compacts. On the plus side, found it on special for about $400. Choice magazine have also done some camera reviews in the last month or so (after we purchased.)

Cheers, Angela Harvey (Houghton)

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ Sunday, December 05, 2004 6:27:00 pm #

Thanks Angela!

I've been seriously considering the Ax5 range; I've got my eye on the A95, and if I can get a retailer to price match with the online retailers I should be able to get it for about $550.

Posted by Blogger Dean @ Sunday, December 05, 2004 7:11:00 pm #

Anyone know what the average mark-up is on digital cameras? I ask because I've decided to go for the Canon Powershot A95 and prices vary widely.

I'm going for the A95 because it's got a good set of features (full auto through to manual), 5mp (better to get more than less) and an LCD that flips out & rotates. It won't slip in a pocket easily, but with the size & shape it feels good in the hand where the pocket sized compacts are almost too small & finicky, which regularly ticks me off with my T610 phone.

Tomorrow I'll start calling the camera stores around town to see if they'll match Computer Source's $499. If they have a problem they'll lose my business for storage cards, a camera bag, rechargable batteries & a charger and a tripod.

Posted by Blogger Dean @ Tuesday, December 07, 2004 7:21:00 pm #
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