Monday, November 08, 2004
The Heart Run Aotearoa
This just in from a cousin across the Tasman:
Hi guys,
Sorry for not writing in so long! I must apologise in advance for this bulk mail but I'm involved with a cool little (or big...) project that I want to tell you all about:
As some of you know, I'm helping organise a running relay up the length of NZ (Bluff to Cape Reinga) to promote physical activity and active lifestyles, the National Heart Foundation and my sport of running. It's called the Heart Run Aotearoa and it involves 9 of us running in relay with an hour in morning and again in the afternoon, every day for 2 weeks starting Sunday November 21st in Bluff.
As well as promoting physical activity, the Heart Foundation and running to the general public, we will also be raising funds for the Heart Foundation throughout our run.
Anyway, I'm hoping you could check out my website for the relay ( and spread the word. At present, we're also looking for any form of sponsorship (monetary or product/service), or promotion to help us pay and promote the relay. If you know of any group or company that might be up for this kind of thing, there's a link on the website ( There may also be fun-runs organised in the major centres when we reach them, but if you can't make it to those, feel free to join in with the lap runner, wherever we may be. The website will keep up to date on the status of the fun-runs. It'd be awesome to see you all at various spots up the country if you can spare 20 minutes out of your day.
Also, if you can accommodate 9 sweaty runners for a night on the following nights let me know:
- Hanmer Sprints - Wed. 24/11 night
- Kaikoura - Thurs. 25/11 night
- Rotorua - Mon. 29/11 night
- Warkworth - Wed 1/12 night
- Paihia - Thurs. 2/12 night
- Kaitaia (2 nights) - Fri. 3/12 night & Sat. 4/12 night
Anything you can do to help would be appreciated, even if it's forwarding my email to your email list for a little extra promotion.
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