Friday, December 10, 2004

T-bone's Bucksfest

[Life] Blokes, blueys, bowls, beer & beef. All this & more made up T-bone's Canberra bachelor party on Saturday.

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After a morning of moving Capt Randy Roger across town to his new marauding lair, the boys from Skinny White Boy Removals kicked off the 12 hour bucksfest the only appropriate way; recharging with bevys in a beer garden. Sportsmen need their fuel after all.

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It was just as well, because the president of the West Deakin Bowls Club is a demanding coach. Well, not really. That you can drink & smoke while bowling tells you how much aerobic fitness you need to play.

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If you haven't tried lawn bowls before, give it a go. The blokes at West Deakin were more than happy to host us and hang around chatting for the afternoon. They got us set up, explained the basics, coached us for a while & weren't afraid to give us good-natured shit if the opportunity presented itself. At $8 it's a cheap, fun afternoon with your mates. Apparently another bowls club over at Griffith runs Twilight Bowls on Friday nights; bowls, BBQ & kareoke.

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You might not think so, but a couple of hours of bowls works up an appetite. The boys moved on to the Kingo for some cook-your-own-cow action. Only problem was that most of us opted for the New York cut. Hunger + thick cut = still-moo-ing steaks. Sometimes drowning 'em in sauces works, sometimes it doesn't. A few more beers and it was time to stumble down to Filthy's, a quick group hello to Charlotte thrown in for good measure.

Somehow Capt Roger's pub-crawl challenges went missing somewhere during the move, but with a pen, pad, ice bucket and some quick thinking the fun & games were back on track. Pawnstar got his challenge - ordering a shandy of light beer & diet lemonade - out of the way first and Millie stepped up soon after and demonstrated that you don't really need a proper pole to pole dance. I was lucky enough to pick "Sing a song in a gay German accent" out of the bucket and got over my thing about singing in public long enough to lead the group in a rip-roaring rendition of Edelweiss. T-bone was struck down by a crucifix and swords during a walk-off with Ash, and Kombiman, T-bone & the Capt put on a play (about Jesus I think - memory's a bit fuzzy).

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That we joined forces with the hen's party didn't tone anything down; if anything it kicked things up a notch. More singing, more cheering the boys on during challenges, more tabletop princess-wand-being-used-as-a-riding-crop spanking.

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The night ended - as so many do - not with a bang but with a whimper. Two by two the couples took their leave; some to slumber, some to spend quite a bit of time purging. Sunday didn't start until the afternoon for most.

Posted by Dean @ 12/10/2004 10:14:00 pm

...Survey says...


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