Sunday, July 17, 2005
Jump Around - The Weekend Update
Shearer needs help, B.B. King doesn't and full Blackhawks are the new campers; all this & more...
I've fallen into a good little routine on the third Friday of the month; with Cheese on Toast delivering extended cuts of retro pop goodness and the crowd not really jumping until midnight, I've got time to get to a movie. This month's feature was the nugget of monochromatic gold Sin City.
After the bullet casings had stopped falling and the last noir line was uttered, I made my way up to The Phoenix to meet Squirt and Afroboy. On our way over to Toast we encountered The Shearer - aka Glenn - from Big Brother who was coming out of one of the eateries in Bailey's Corner. The time in the house must've deeply affected the poor guy; when one of Squirt's friends asked Glenn how he was doing, all he could do was scream out "YEAH!!! WOOOOO!".
I'd seen bigger crowds at the retro night, but the assembled masses seemed to be having a good time. After a couple of games of House of the Dead and a bunch of jumping around, I decided that I'd had one too and called it a night.
The sun! Glorious sun! How I'd missed you! With the rain gone I went for a ride around the lake. It was so good.
In the afternoon, the House of Cheese and Bone hosted an afternoon of hanging out playing games. GTA: SA featured before some old-school Risk and Cluedo had everybody scheming. The night concluded with some Singstar Pop.
I got home just in time to see another in the series of docos on the blues. This week's film - The Road to Memphis - featured the great B.B. King and a bunch of other old bluesmen return to Beale St for an awards show. The highlight of the film, for me, was seeing B.B. King recolllect how he'd cried the first time he got a standing ovation from a predominately white audience.
It was sunny, and I should have gone for another ride, but instead I rolled over and listened to the BBC radio adaptation of William Gibson's Neuromancer. It can't be easy to condense such a good book into two 60 minute radioplays, but I reckon the team behind it did a good job.
After a bit of domestic stuff, I wasted a couple more hours in Battlefield 2 action. They weren't the best games I'd played. I had to laugh though at the tool who screamed something along the lines of "STOP TELLING ME WHAT TO DO YOU NERDY FUCK" at the Commander. One guy playing an online game calling another guy playing an online game a nerdy fuck. I couldn't resist throwing in "...and in other news, pot calls kettle black". I'm getting really sick of squads filling up Blackhawks and flying around taking flags too. Full Blackhawks are the new campers.
It was a good thing then that the new Beers with T-bone and Sawn-Off show was on at the pub. I needed a distraction and the guys were great at keeping the pace up. This weeks topics included gaming, lordships and the future of Africa. Who needs Parkinson?
[Tags: Life, Canberra, Australia]
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Oh, I am very glad I didn't run into The Shearer, or I would have been forced to do all sorts of nasty work on him. I mean...
Pub Parky. That's exactly what Sunday Pints is.