Wednesday, October 31, 2001

Oh yeah, almost forgot... Happy Beltane all you happy little uber-pagans! Go forth & get some lovin' !

Beltane celebrates Spring, fertility and sexuality. As some of the regular crew will remember, Ms S et al celebrated with a Beltane picnic / night at the pub a few weeks ago now (whilst I was in Melbourne), but Beltane is actually tonight in the southern hemisphere, and in May in the northern hemisphere.

It's pagarama baby, so as Luther Vandross once crooned

And there's a rose
in a fisted glove
and the eagle flies
with the dove
and if you can't be
with the one you love
love the one you're with

Blessed be.

Posted by Dean @ 10/31/2001 07:36:00 pm

...Survey says...


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