Sunday, September 07, 2003

ET: ... Our next guest is Spring, welcome back Spring.
Spring: It's great to be here.
ET: It's great to have you back. So you've been away, but you're back with something for fans new & old?
S: That's right. I'm back with an old favourite of a show for the fans that I call Warmth.
ET: And what will Warmth do for the fans?
S: I'm glad you asked. Warmth will get people to go out during the day in less clothing than they've had to layer on for the last few months.
ET: And that can make for some top shelf eye candy.
S: You know what I'm talkin' about.
ET: Spring, thanks for your time.
S: No worries, it's great to be opening for Summer again. It's going to be a great tour.
ET: We're all looking forward to enjoying it. Spring is playing for the next few months, be sure to get amongst it.

Posted by Dean @ 9/07/2003 05:00:00 pm

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