Tuesday, December 14, 2004

The Rat Pack is Back

[Life] For his big 3-0, T-bone wanted Vegas, baby. Who could refuse?

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The Burrow was rearranged and games were scattered around the place to encourage punters to dance with lady luck. For some, luck was a lady, but - unfortunately for many - she wouldn't bother with people she hated, that's why the lady is a tramp.

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Drinks flowed, canapes were nibbled & guests mingled. That all changed when Jen & Ash arrived with Singstar and the lounge bar floorshow kicked off. Pretty much everyone had a go at a song or two (and there're some damn funny vids to prove it). Even I had a go. Hold on, I had lots of goes (no vids though thankfully).

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Karaoke went on and on and on. The dining room disco kicked off somewhere around midnight and the gamblers played on and the singers sung...

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...until 2.30 when the fuzz arrived. Those still able to walk went to the pub.

Posted by Dean @ 12/14/2004 07:45:00 pm

...Survey says...


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