Monday, November 12, 2001

Yoda is wise

Parties lead to drinking, drinking leads to impaired judgement, impaired judgement leads to glittering Dean's bedroom, glittering the bedroom leads to sleeping on the couch, sleeping on the couch leads to getting a cold and waking up tired, irritable and really pissed off...


Woke up tired but fine after the crazy adventure night out. I'm actually surpised I wasn't sick after the "different venue = different coloured drink" rule. We went out to Belco to the Calvary Hospital fete and voted, picked up some cheeseburgers then headed down to Woden for some cheap drinks, meats and other supplies for the party.

Came home, set up and kicked back. While it officially kicked off at 3pm, most people didn't show 'till about 7; we enjoyed the sunshine on the deck tho.

Party went well; people mingled, there was Twister & dancing and sing-alongs to The Blues Brothers.

At about 10.30 I discovered that my room had been glittered. It was in my bed, in my clean laundry, in my shoes, in my hockey gear! Getting quite red I kicked everyone out to the pub at 11. Ms S is now under social sanctionstm for at least a week.

I couldn't be bothered starting the clean-up task that night so I just crashed on the couch. Being only 3c overnight I woke up freezing (I think this' where the cold's developed from).


Sitting in the spa for 90min listening to Radio National helped to warm me up and calm me down, if only for a while.

Rage kicked in when I started the clean up. My room was the worst hit; all the other rooms were really easy to clean, but the chain reaction started: cleaning, vacuming, dust, hayfever, sneezing, more sneezing - god make it stop.

I was so angry; there were no words that sufficiently embodied how pissed off I was, so writing about it seemed futile.

When I eventually did feel like writing, the PC decided to be non-compliant.

Spent the afternoon in a cold&flu medicaiton induced daze in front of The Phantom Menace on DVD.


So now my PC is on its' death bed. I'm sick of reloading Win98se and dealing with its' registry issues. The old dinosaur is not worth maintaining any longer (it's a p100 w/ 64mb ram).

So my tech enabled readers, I ask for your help.

If you're a tech dealer, know a tech dealer, have built a PC recently, know anything about hardware, I call upon you now. If you have any advice on hardware, prices, potential conflicts, dealers to buy from or stay away from, I need to know.

What I need:
- full tower atx case
- power supply
- motherboard (pref with onboard video & sound, I dont want to have to use my legacy cards / cd-rom)
- cpu & fan
- ram (256mb is cheap now right?)
- CD-rom

I have everything else, so am not going to pay for monitor, keyboard,mouse, modem etc etc. Basically I want the above, put together or not, so I can just pull my current hard drives out of the old beast and turn on the new one, set up the bios & go.

I'm open to either AMD or intel (will take your advise gladly) and would be happy with a low end duron / celeron unless I can afford something better. I'd also appreciate some advice on the SDRAM vs DDR question (would a motherboard that takes both be the way to go?). Give me options people!

Please put any info / prices you have in the guestbook, as I don't know when I'll be able to get to my hotmail account (I can't access it from work).

Help me Obi Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope...

Posted by Dean @ 11/12/2001 12:31:00 pm

...Survey says...


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