Monday, April 26, 2004


The week started well enough. After two cinema outings with MissK and the Pawnstar to Starsky & Hutch ("Do it") and Enter the Dragon ("Don't think, feeeeeeeewl") on Tuesday & Wednesday night, I woke Thursday morning with the headcold from hell. I figured I'd just spend the day in bed, so I took a couple of 'night time' cold & flu tablets, not thinking that they'd kick in so quickly. 15 minutes later I'm walking up to the shops having some of those micro-sleeps Dr Karl talks about on the ads - I must've looked like a zombie because I sure as hell felt like one. Spent the rest of the day on the couch where I belonged.


Started to feel better. Day spent burning all of my data & mp3s to disc, rearranging the hard drives on the IDE channels, reformatting the good one (7200rpm with the 8mb cache) and putting a fresh install of XP onto it. The tedium paid off - this machine is stable and damn fast.

Felt good enough to head out to Capt Roger & Kombiman's Bond-themed housewarming & orbited the fire most of the night. Most people dressed up (the graduates can be excused for not knowing that people do dress up for theme parties here if they didn't back home) and Most Memorable Moments went to Brenton for his exploding ventolin stunt and nude interpretive dance. The other high or lowlight (depending on your perspective) would have to be the panel comparitive reviews of the Paris Hilton, Mimi McPherson and (yeah I can't believe it either - Sally Fletcher of all people) Kate Ritchie dirty videos.


Breakfast at Vie for a change - anywhere that offers steaks as part of a cooked breakfast is good by me. Day spent on GTA3 and furniture and homewares shopping with MissJ. Fast-forward to an evening of more steaks, AFL and betting on the dogs at Eastlakes.


Woke up in time for the dawn service, but thought better of being out in the cold & just listened to the ABC's broadcast instead. Killed the afternoon & evening at the pub where T-bone and the Pawnstar ran Two-Up games for pub patrons keen for a flutter. I defended pub real estate from a pack of first year ADFA tools in between games of Shithead.

Posted by Dean @ 4/26/2004 06:55:00 pm

...Survey says...


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