Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Mr Zilla Goes To Washington, Launches Web Site Months Later

A good friend of mine recently packed up his Canberra life and went to Washington. His new site* is more a home of thinkpieces rather than the occasional 'this is what I did today'. I predict it will give readers a few things to ponder and should provoke some heated discussion in the months to come.

That said, there aren't any avenues for two-way communications just yet, but hopefully sometime soon he'll implement a comments system or a guestbook. Site stats are a must too if he's interested in who's coming to visit & how they got there.

* - which is date-accurate now that Blogger has a 'post to any date' function.

Posted by Dean @ 9/16/2003 09:03:00 pm

...Survey says...


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