Sunday, October 05, 2003

If today's student entries at the RAQ Fashion Design Awards are anything to go by, fashions of the future will be revealing. Designers & models weren't afraid to show nipple with a few designs featuring translucent chest-pieces. Student entrants were told to think 'retro-futurism', so what the assembled crowd of friends and family in Brisbane City Hall got to see was everything from conservative business suits to casual gear to evening wear in every colour imaginable (apparently fluorescents are going to make a come-back).

Unsurprisingly the reception the garments got from the crowd (myself included) had a lot to do with the body inside them. It was the normal bell-curve distribution; there were quite a few very tidy professional models, a lot of average types and a few who strained their garments.

All in all it wasn't a bad way to spend an afternoon as long as you could tune out the bullshit commentary coming from some old greys (think the shop-keeps from Kath & Kim). I put fashion photographer on my list of 'jobs I could easily do if I won the lotto tomorrow & never had to work again'.

Why was I there? One of my sisters modelled for her boyfriend's sister, who entered a couple of red and black top & skirt outfits. For the record they were tasteful conservative designs.

Posted by Dean @ 10/05/2003 05:03:00 pm

...Survey says...


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