Saturday, September 20, 2003

Back to Brisbane

It's so good to be home again. It's warm, the girls are tanned and there's a buzz in the air that tells me there's a lot going on around town. I can see why people want to move back here.

Friday Night

Had a sub-optimal flight. I checked in relatively late and got shoved next to the window in the very last row of the BAE-146. Not particularly roomy aircraft.

Dad & I went into the Jazz-n-Blues Bar to see a local band called Planet Funk (not to be confused with the Italian dance act). A few drinks and disco tunes later we found ourselves chatting to the guitarist who'd come to one of Dad's annual jam sessions. On the way home we stopped in at the Tivoli to see if we could pick up any last-minute tickets to Billy Bragg. A quick chat with the bouncer revealed that not only were there no tickets to be had from the unmanned ticket window, the show was about to finish (it was only midnight). After that we did a lap down James Street in the Valley which is now lined with a new cinema, uber-funky bars and uber-expensive, designed furniture, fashion and electronic (Bang & Olufsen) stores.


Up early to check out digital video cameras with Dad. He wants to film his next NZ trip and make a DVD out of it. Once the folks had headed off to the coast for an extended-family wedding, I hit the town to reacquaint myself with the Queen Street Mall. City Beach, Borders Books and a couple of shops in the Myer Centre were all graced by my consumer dollar. Out in the Mall, Melbourne group The Cat Empire kept the crowd entertained with twenty-minute sets of their latin-&-funk-infused aussie hip-hop on the hour. I bought one of their CDs from a girl who I think was their manager. She told me the group are playing at The Zoo tonight; I'd have liked to go but there's no way in hell I'm going to The Zoo in the 'smart casual' polo shirt, slacks and deck shoes gear I had to bring with me. So tonight I'm hanging out with a few of the boys, watching movies, talkin' tech & generally getting our geeky freak on.

Posted by Dean @ 9/20/2003 08:30:00 pm

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