Friday, December 24, 2004

Light at the End of the Broadbandless Tunnel

[Tech] According to this post on a Whirlpool forum, one of the iBurst base stations in Canberra is now "online and available". The coverage maps and availability pages on the official site are yet to be updated unfortunately, so confirmation will have to wait. While apparently not too good gaming-wise, it's damn good news for those of us in the ACT who can't get ADSL or cable from TransACT or any other ISP because of the street not being cabled, distance to exchanges, pain-gained lines, RIMs or line transposition failures. OzEmail's offerings of a 256/64 $49.95/month plan looks good to me for starters.

Posted by Dean @ 12/24/2004 11:00:00 am

...Survey says...


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